Thursday, January 30, 2025

Snow Much Fun!

We had a busy week! Here are some of the important things we learned... 

Our centers this week included finding words with blends and digraphs and writing them, listening to the story Snowmen at Night and writing about our own snowmen (text to self connection), writing about winter, playing blends games such as Say It, Pop It, Write It, reading books on RAZkids and coming to reading group. 

During Writing, we began talking about nonfiction stories and writing. We talked about the difference between fiction and nonfiction. We wrote a list of facts about our classroom and wrote pages for a class book about KD. We shared our stories in our Author's Chair. 

We continued working on reading, ordering, building, and writing numbers to 20 in Math. We put numbers in backwards order as well! 

In Reading, we started our nonfiction unit as well! We talked about places in our community while reading the nonfiction book My Home, Your Home. We identified the main topic of the book, discussed information we learned about the topic, and made text to self connections. We explored the differences between fiction and nonfiction books.  We learned new vocabulary words (apart, explain, attach, reattach) and learned a new word-learning strategy of recognzing words with multiple meanings buy using the prefix re- to determined word meanings. 

During Phonics, we worked on building words and changing out beginning sounds. We practiced reading and writing the power words have and has.  Please encourage your child to write words with blends and digraphs with you at home and ask them to read simple sentences (ex: The cat is big. Fox has the fix the box. Is the dog wet? Can the man swim?)

In this week’s Second Steps lesson, we learned that taking time to feel calm before reacting is a helpful first step to solving a problem.  Let your child see you taking a moment to feel calm at home when things are busy or stressful. For example, say, “Today was a really busy day. I’m going to take a few slow breaths to help me feel calm.” Invite your child to join you.

We had so much fun exporing various STEAM activities on STEAM Day! Ask your child to tell you all about it! 

Looking ahead... 

Field Trip to Florissant Civic Center to see The Ugly Duckling 2/7 (Please turn in your permission slips!)
100th Day of School 2/4 (moved from 2/5)
Global Day of Play 2/5 
Reed Family Activity Night 2/11 (more info coming soon)
Valentine's Day celebration 2/13 (don't forget to make boxes and valentines!)
No School- President's Day- 2/17
FLIP Night 2/11
Service Learning Project items due 2/21 (more info coming soon)
Donuts with Grownups 2/27 (last names A-M) and 2/28 (last names N-Z)