We have had a busy two weeks learning about how to take care of our teeth and bodies! Here are some of the important things we learned...
Our centers this week focused on ways to be healthy! We wrote about healthy habits, looked at the five food groups, played games with blends and digraphs, found words with blends and wrote them, practiced writing heart words, and more!
In Phonics, we revisited the "wh" and"ch" digraphs. We worked on the power words she, said, off, where, what, and from. LOTS of tricky words this week! Please keep sounding out words and writing with your child at home.
In Writing, we worked with our new partners to hear, visualize, and act out poems. We explored interesting words in a poem as well as repetition and rhyme. Some of us even wrote our own poems this week! We worked really hard on visualizing and drew and wrote our visualizations/what we saw in our minds. Ask your child to tell you about what they visualized during Writing.
We are continuing to work on addition problems and writing number sentences in Math. We talked about how we put together numbers when adding. Please continue to work on adding numbers to 5 with your child. Encourage your child to use their fingers or manipulatives to count on/add.
Our Reading lessons have taught us more about listening to nonfiction books to build comprehension, how to wonder about a topic and ask questions, and discuss connections between two texts by comparing and contrasting to build on our ability to think critically about texts on the same topic. We also looked at poems that had the same topic (ducks) and made more connections. We learned the vocabulary words icy, fluffy, rocky, and tasty.
In this week’s Second Steps lesson, we talked about what we have learned about solving problems. We suggested ways to solve problems in different scenarios and drew a picture of themselves using a problem-solving strategy. If problems or disagreements arise at home, for example, between siblings, ask your child to suggest a way to help solve the problem. WE have now wrapped up our Second Steps program and will be reinforcing everything we have learned over the coming weeks.
We started our Social Studies unit on communities, maps, and neighborhoods! We will continue learning over the next few weeks. More to come!