Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Mo Willems!


We have has a fun week learning and reading books by Mo Willems, our favorite author! Here are some of the important things we learned...

Our centers this week were packed with Mo Willems activities!  We found pigeon power words and Mo Willems characters around the room and read/wrote them, we played blends games, wrote about pigeon driving something of our choice, wrote about our favorite toy and made a connection to Knufflebunny, and more! 

During Reading, we continued learning about baby animals by listening to the book Baby Zebras and discussed information we learned.  We wondered about the topic baby zebras by sharing and writing "I wonder" statements.  We listened to and read a short story called The Little Fly. We made and confirmed prediction s to check for understanding, discussed the pattern in the story to build fluency and develop word recognition, and generated rhyming word lists. 

In Writing, we head, visualized, and discussed various poems.  We explored descriptive words (adjectives) and practiced writing poems of our own! 

Our Phonics lessons this week, we revisited the "th" digraph. We learned the new power words "they" and "there". We read and wrote words with digraphs. 

We continued to work on our addition fact fluency and addition word problems during Math. 

Looking ahead...

Parent Teacher Conferences next week!
Early Release Day 3/13
Spring Break 3/14-3/23
School Resumes 3/24
Passport Night 4/1

Have a great weekend! 
